This is what the mountains look like when the clouds finally lift - glorious beauty!

This is what it looks like when Grandpa and the big girls walk to church and the littles ride in the stroller - then the littles want to ride home in the van and the big girls decide to ride home with Grandpa --
Did anybody spot the bed on the top of this building in the previous post? I didn't see it until about the 20th time I looked at this picture --

This is how the mind of my Care Bear, my second grade grandgirl, works - she created this acrostic about Jesus, God, Savior, and Great God - some of it is a bit out there, but most of it amazes and thrills me -- double click to read it more easily.

This is how I think I felt when I got my first library card.
This is what happens when you leave two little two year olds alone downstairs for a few minutes too long. They got into the old checks, etc. I discovered that the checks go back over 10 years, so I think it's high time we did some serious shredding.

Have you read any good books lately? I don't buy books any more, but rather put them on hold at the library. Often I'll have 9-10 books on order, and it seems that they all come in at once. I am very excited to read Jennifer Chiaverini's latest, and just finished Ann B. Ross' newest story about Miss Julia. Have you read them? Miss Julia is a "proper southern lady" who finds herself getting into a big mess in every book - of course, or else there wouldn't be a book! But they are getting a bit sillier every book, so I don't know how much longer I'll keep reading them. That is the same reason I've dropped Joanne Fluke and Janet Evanovich from my "must read" list.
Right now I'm reading Not MY Daughter by Barbara Delinsky. I have not heard of her before, but she has written several novels before this one. I saw this reviewed in a magazine, so thought I'd give it a try. It's about 4 high school girls who made a pact to get pregnant, one of whom is the daughter of the high school principal. It is well written and I'm hoping for a good ending.
Well, that's enough rambling for now. Have a great week-end!