Sunday, September 23, 2012
A Call for Prayer - Again
I have all sorts of things I want to share, and have begun several times to begin that process. In the midst of it all, we have been hit with a crisis of pretty major proportions. I wrote this on Facebook today, and am so grateful for all of the prayer support the post has generated. But I want to share with all of you as well.
Dwight had an endoscopy Thursday, and that night he began vomiting and was sick all night long. We called the doc, who prescribed nausea meds, thinking it was the flu. Turns out there seems to be a direct connection between the confluence of the two issues. He was sick for Friday and Saturday, but we just thought he was fighting a bug. A big bad bug. This morning, I was unable to help him up from the floor, where he had tried to crawl and get something from his dresser drawer (the girls were at the house, I was getting them ready for church, I had closed his door, and couldn't hear him calling me). I felt like the worse wife ever! I couldn't get him up, so told him I was calling an ambulance. He said (true Bronco fan that he is), "not until after the game." I think he's going to be glad he missed this one after all. The ambulance, fire truck, and another vehicle arrived with siren blaring, lights flashing. Quite a lot of commotion for our cul de sac. The girls were traumatized, to say the least. But they were all so kind to the kids.
He is a very very sick guy. He not only has pneumonia, but is septic (blood infection), and the lung doc just told me he could experience kidney failure, permanent or temporary. This is just all so unbelievable. I am so thankful for this network of prayer warriors!
I am also so thankful for this amazing unit at this hospital. He is getting top notch care. Keep praying, please!
While you're at it, please pray for Kristen as well. Just when things are starting to come together for her and her future, she had 5 miles removed. (The fact that we have been trying to get her to get the largest one looked at for years now is something I have to let go). She got a call from the pathologist at 8:00 Friday evening - which to me was a bit ominous. The only word she understood was "melanoma", which is what my fear has been. She has to see a specialist, and will be calling that office tomorrow - I suspect it is an oncologist.
I will try to keep you updated.
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Hello.o.o.o.o.o.!! Anybody still out there???
Hey, out there! Anybody remember me? I am so sorry to have dropped off the face of the earth (except for those of you who are Facebook friends and have kept up with my crazy life). I really don't want to quit this spot entirely, but have not had the inspiration necessary to make it happen in the last 3 months.
I missed my 6 year bloggiversary in June. So much has happened since I wrote last that I don't know where to start. I keep thinking of things I want to tell all of you dear friends (if I have any left!), but haven't had the energy to sit down and make it happen.
Hopefully, if I hear from you guys that anybody is still interested, I will try to write once in awhile again. In the meantime, let me know if there's anybody still out there, okay??
Just to whet your appetite for more twin stories:

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