Please remember Kristen on Tuesday, September 11, when she goes to the specialist for the amniocentesis to determine if there are any chromosomal abnormalities with either of the twins, or both. Her appointment is at 2:00 Mountain Standard Time. We appreciate all of your concern and prayer. Please pop over there and assure her of your prayers. Thanks!!
It's Sunday afternoon, the Broncos just pulled it out of the fire and won by a point, so all is well with my husband's and son's world. Check out Sema's (my daughter-in-law) latest post to get a Kenyan's point of views of our national pasttime. Also check out the previous one, if you want to catch a bit of her heart.
It is a fall day in my part of the world - 45 degrees when we got up, and only up to 54 at 3:00 in the afternoon. No sunshine at all. Kind of a nice change, but I know we'll be griping about the cold all too soon!
Thank you so much for your interest in my series on the jobs I had getting through college, and for your kind comments. There are a couple more of those to come, and then I'm trying to decide whether I should continue to modern times, or leave it at college days. What do you think?
I spent 36 hours in bed with a fast-moving, disgusting flu bug that hit during the night Thursday nght and kept me down until midday yesterday. I don't know what I'd do if I had to stay in bed for an extended time, because my back was killing me and my head ached from lying down so long. I have great empathy for anyone who has to be bedridden, and also for Kristen, who has had such a bad bout with nausea during this pregnancy.
I'm off to celebrate my SIL and BIL's 40th anniversary. Hard to believe - and we're coming up behind them with 35 very soon. How could we have possibly known each other for that long?
I'll see you Tuesday with Woman to Woman and my thoughts on Gratitude.
Have a great Monday!

I'll be praying for Kristen on Tuesday as she is having her amniocentesis.
I'm so sorry that you have been sick...I am glad that you are better now.
Stop by I have given you an award!
Have a good evening!
I'll keep Kristen in my thoughts on tuesday.
I'm glad your feeling better, stomach bugs are just nasty.
I'd be interested in reading your job saga in modern times :)
Hi Dawn,I would love to share some of your cool temps....Still hot here in Savannah. My prayers will be with Kristen on Tuesday.Glad you have recovered from your bug!!! Baba
You know I'll be praying for Kristen on Tuesday...and any time I think of her between now and then.
Glad you're feeling better. I had something similar a month or so ago. Ick!!
It's rained quite a bit here and cooled off some, but nothing like your temps. I am so ready for Fall and Winter!
Have a great week, Dawn. :-)
Love and hugs,
Thank you for reminding us about Kristin. I think about her daily!
Sorry you were feeling under the weather. I'll say a prayer for Kristen and her babies..
I'm sorry you weren't feeling well Dawn. Those "bugs" can be just absolutley miserable.
I've been praying for Kristen and will certainly be praying tomorrow.
Thanks for your great comment. We sure could have been great buddies when we were little. I feel that way now!
I think you should just continue your job saga right up to the present. You are such a wonderful story-teller.
I am longing for some cool weather. It is always that way this time of year. We have at least another month of heat, but I am ready for a change!
I'm off to visit Kristen.
I think you should continue the job saga right up to the present day. I'd love to hear all about how you ended up where you are now.
My gosh, I didn't realize the test was so soon. Tomorrow. I tell you, I'm seriously on the edge of my seat, waiting to hear the results. And you know she and the babies are in my prayers.
That game was exciting yesterday. The Broncos make me crazy, they're such a fourth quarter team. Those guys have pulled off absolute miracles in the final moments of more games than I can count!
My prayers are certainly with Kristen...I don't imagine she'll sleep much tonight from being so anxious!! Oh dear, so sorry to hear you were so sick what that flu...hopefully you're 100% real soon! xox
I'll be praying for Kristen...
And oh, you poor thing, with that bug! So glad you're on the mend now...
It is not fall here at all..I just knew after our cool summer we'd be having Indian summer in Sept. and sure enough, we are! 80 degrees and sunny! And I'm glad, since we didn't have near enough of it all summer!
Have a great celebration with your SIL and BIL!
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