Wow, this week has flown and I see that it will take me a long time to catch up with all of the posts that I've missed! I hope I can get to them today.
Today I am 63. How can it be? I know it's all relative - some of you will say that's still young. My mother-in-law is 93 in another few days and she keeps telling me how young I am. I tell her that it's just amazing to me that I'm this age as it is to her that she's her age.
It is a beautiful autumn day. I would like to make it up to the mountains to see the glorious golden aspens embedded in with the green pines, but there will be so many up there on a Saturday that I don't know if we'll brave the crowds or not. We are celebrating very lightly this week-end since we leave for Maine a week from today. Can't wait!!
The week started well with our church service in the park. We had a wonderful time of fellowship in a lovely setting - we were told we couldn't have a sound system, so Pastor Brian supplied the accompaniment with his lone guitar. Turns out we could have had a sound system - they are protecting the neighbors from rock bands in the park, and of course nobody listened to the reason we wanted it. Oh, well, it was fine. And the view to the west was lovely (well, not counting the power lines and poles).
One of the highlights of the morning was the dedication of a brand new baby boy - his great grandfather was privileged to do the honors.
We had a wonderful dinner together after the service. One woman was riding her bike through the park, on the way to the river where she typically has her own personal church service, after having been hurt by a church situation. She heard the Word of God being spoken and decided to join us. That's what it was all about.
Monday - Ann arrived. This was such a huge event for us, since we've been trying to make this trip happen for years. The connection among my sister, Ann, and me is amazing, since we haven't actually seen each other that often over the span of our lives. We are definitely kindred spirits, as "Anne with an e" would say.
I didn't get many pictures - too busy talking! Even on the trip to Estes Park on Tuesday I forgot my camera. Ann took many to show her husband, who's never been west of the Mississippi River. We hope he can come next time. I did remember my camera the day we visited the park full of sculptures.
She fell in love with the twins, and was thrilled to win them over. She was singing an old song that I haven't heard in years - "Jewels" - anybody remember it?
When He cometh, when He cometh
To make up His jewels,
All His jewels, precious jewels,
His loved and His own.
Like the stars of the morning,
His brightness adorning,
They shall shine in their beauty,
Bright gems for His crown.
Who love their Redeemer,
Are the jewels, precious jewels,
His loved and His own.
Like the stars of the morning,
His brightness adorning,
They shall shine in their beauty,
Bright gems for His crown.
I learned so much I never knew about Ann, her life, and her mom especially. My Aunt Gen lived through a difficult childhood and youth to become a missionary. God definitely had a plan for her life, which was carried out in an amazing way. Even when she was a high school girl, running around with a fairly rough crowd, she would tell those friends that she was going to be a missionary someday. I don't even know how she knew that word, since her home was totally godless.
It was hard to say good-bye and know it will be 3 years before there is a possibility of getting together again. But I am so thankful for e-mail!
I have a new schedule of child care. Kristen has a new job that requires us to have the kids overnight on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This means I'll have lots more time to myself in the daytime, but get the "thrill" of bedtime and getting ready for school and church. But they do get to go home on Saturday for most of the day.
The tooth fairy has been kept very busy lately keeping track of the "jack o lantern" named Care Bear. She had to check in with mommy to tell her of the middle-of-the-night loss of another top tooth. The crooked glasses are a result of an errant softball in a game with Grandpa. She zigged when the ball zagged.
The tooth fairy got a bit confused and once again, forgot to come. (Actually she went out to the car to get the money out of her purse, forgot why she was in the car, and didn't realize it until this morning when the sad little girl came in at 6:45 to inform us the fairy forgot - again!) I told her I think the fairy has way too many kids to cover these days and has gotten old and needs help. Her assistant must have gotten confused and maybe put the money under somebody else's pillow. She got a twinkle in her eye, said "Scavenger Hunt!" and proceeded to check all the pillows - finding the stash under Feisty's pillow. Whew! Crisis diverted!
Have a wonderful week-end! And I hope to visit you today!