It's a cold and foggy Tuesday morning on the eastern slope of Colorado. I broke down and turned on the heat yesterday. I think I'll be doing the same today.
If you're like me, re-entry after vacation is difficult. At least I didn't have to go back to an office with hundreds of e-mails, voice mails, and snail mails awaiting me. I had 11 messages on the home phone, mostly political reminders; I had a grocery sack full of mail - mostly junk - I think there were 8 pieces that needed to be handled, the rest went directly to the recycle bin (mostly political reminders!); and I had kept up with e-mails off and on while I was gone.
What I dislike most about coming home from vacation is unpacking - and nothing to eat in the house. And laundry.
So - yesterday - Monday - I did make it to the gym - I wasn't "good" in the nutritional sense during this trip - I hit the gym first thing, then picked up the little girlies. The house was a wreck - still is. My back is killing me - I think not carrying the car seats for a week has left me weak. It's better this morning. I ended up having the kids all day yesterday so Kristen could catch up - she got very far behind on her school work while I played.
So I don't have time to start writing about the trip yet, but wanted to show you a few pictures. Here's what happens when you're gone for a week in the prime time of falling leaves, and when you have a yard full of mature trees!

Even the circle in front of the house is full --

A former next door neighbor drove by Sunday afternoon while I was outside - she commented that DC didn't usually have such a yardful of leaves - he usually gets rid of them pretty quickly so they don't damage the grass - too soon for the girls' liking. They were really glad he hadn't been home to mow them up yet. After a quick fast food lunch on Sunday, they rushed back to our house (while Kristen studied), put on their new Myrtle Beach hoodies, and hit the back yard.
Where's Care Bear??
Oh, there she is!!
Yes, Feisty should have changed out of her Sunday clothes before being dragged around the yard!

They love to create a maze, then they race back to the beginning.

Even the tiny ones loved it. I can't believe I didn't get a front shot of their "I "Heart" Grandma souvenir shirts!

When I took them home to Kristen Sunday afternoon, I caught this fabulous view over the mountains.

I managed to get the grocery shopping and the laundry done yesterday - a monumental accomplishment. The babes took turns napping - never both at the same time. Feisty kept Emma occupied some of the time. I wish I had taken a picture of Kate under the play table - I had to crawl in and grab her leg to get her out. She kept herself busy for a good half hour at one point.

That's a jolly laugh, not a cry!

I tried to catch a glimpse of the cute little teeth, but the camera is just not fast enough. Can you see them? Nope, I don't think so. I'll have to keep trying.

I promise to get to the trip soon. I promise! I have now skipped going to the gym and need to get ready to pick up the babes at the preschool in a few minutes when Kristen drops Feisty off for the morning.
Have a great day!

There is always so much to catch up on when one returns. Guess it is like picking up your toys when you are done playing.
The leaves look like so much fun for the girls. I used to love playing in the piles too. The happy faces on the girls tell the whole story.
The pics of the girls are so cute. Nope, can't see those sharp little teeth yet but am sure we will soon.
Hope that the back is going to start to feel better now that you are back in the routine. We're all glad that you are home and we are looking forward to seeing your photos from the trip.
Hi Dawn,
There's always a million things to do after vacation. I always feel as though I've been gone much longer than I really have.
The girls look like they're really enjoying the fallen leaves. Ours aren't nearly to that point yet.
Don't overdo with your back!!
Glad you're home! Now, remember... you're retired - you have TIME to do all these things! Don't be so hard on yourself if they don't get done on schedule.
Make some time for fun, too!
Thinking of you today!
How very sweet those girls are. The twins are getting so very big.
Getting home from vacation is no fun - it's like you need a vacation from your vacation. :)
Welcome home! I'm glad you had a nice trip. Settling in after a fun getaway is never fun. It looks like you are making good progress though with the grocery shopping and laundry done.
Playing in the leaves looks like so much fun!...raking them, not so much. I love the maze idea.
The twins are getting so big! Have fun with them today. :-)
I haven't been on vacation in so long, I think I've forgotten that feeling. But it sounds like you had a wonderful time. :)
Look at how big those twins are getting - wow! And I love the pictures of Care Bear and Feisty playing in the leaves. Ours are still coming down - but I think we'll be out there soon enough too. :)
Oh, those glorious leaves! So beautiful if only they would cling to their limbs! We have big oaks and they will be starting their fall soon. It is always such a mess! But then I take a look at the magnificent old guys and can't bring myself to talk about cutting them. Glad you're home and I'm betting Kristen is loving it!!!!! The girls are growing so!
It is COLD here and they are forecasting snow overnight. I was hoping it would hold off until just before Christmas like it does some years. I guess I'm getting old because I no longer like the winter. Oh, it is beautiful to look out the window and see the snow softly falling but I don't want to be out in it and hate shoveling.
Love all of your photos of the girlies. I also did a little reading of things I've missed. I am praying for Feisty. I do wish she could see the same doctor each time.
I'm sure that Kristen is glad you are home and once again watching the girlies so she can catch up. Having four little ones is a handful on top of school.
Take care, my friend. I've enjoyed visiting with you today.
It looks like you had a wonderful time. I hate unpacking and laundry too!
It did rain all day one day last week and I do not remember which day it was. I was inside the whole day and only heard about it. Wonderful week otherwise.
Glad you had a wonderful trip and the babies are getting so big!!!
Hello dear Dawn:-)
I'm back from my trip and now catching up with everyone! As you say, there is always so much to do after being there's also the fatigue from the traveling. It's going to take me a few days to recover from my own trip! lol
Looks like the girls were having so much fun playing in the leaves:-) I remember doing that as a little girl...such wonderful memories!
The twins are getting so big...and even more adorable if that's possible:-) I'll now go on over to Kristen's blog to catch up with her news!! xoxo
Glad to see you are back and that you had a great time!
The yard doesn't look so bad full of leaves and the girls seemed to enjoy them very much!
The twins are getting so big and really started to fill out. I could just love on them forever
Thanks for the info on your camera too!
I know what you mean about returning from vacation. There are piles of things to do, sort, clean up, clean out, put away. Yup.
It's amazing how the babies have grown. Where has the time gone??
Look at those beautiful little girls!!! Am I lucky or what?!?!
All the girls are getting so big and even more beautiful!
I can't wait to see the pictures of your vacation. I was just in Myrtle Beach and it was beautiful.
Hi---I hadn't been able to access your blog--I couldn't remember the password and it didn't send me it. Today it let me on without doing anything, weird?
Glad you had a nice vacation in SC etc. I love the look of golden leaves on the yard!!! I would leave 'em and play!! Ha!! The kids surely are growning--what cuties.
I don't think we ole ladies were meant to carry all that baby stuff!! I have to be sooooo careful ;-).
I am not familiar with that book that you mentioned on my post--was it a book or video or what? What is the name of the book if there is one?
Ohhhhhhhhh, laundry ANY time is a chore. Especially the folding and putting back in drawers. LOL
I bet you had a wonderful vacation. such a glorious time of year to be traveling.
I talked with my sister over the weekend [in Montrose] and she said it was downright chilly. For me, here in Texas, my teeth would be chattering just standing out on her deck...they have the San Juans at their back door. BRRRRRR.
Love the photo of "Fiesty" being dragged through the leaves. [And I never heard of leaves ruing the grass before, I was always told it is good insulation for the tender blades....hmmmmm, learn something new each day!]
Happy Wednesday to you Dawn.
What fun for the little ones to play out in the leaves! And yes, I ahve my heating on here too.
Good Morning Dawn!
What a stunning header that is! I always love to see your precious grandchildren, they look so happy. I too always love coming home but there's always the unpacking and work to be done. Your leaves are about the same as where we're at, that's interesting!
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Kathi :)
I have a few days left until re-entry for me - I'm not wanting all this fun to end! I feel like a kid enjoying this city to the max!
Your leaves are beautiful - even though they are all on the ground. And what fun for the girls!
I am loving those leaves pictures with the kids! My girls love to help their daddy rake up leaves, too...
And play in them!
And the their expressions!
Yep, coming home after vacation can take some adjusting, that's for sure!
Great post...I thoroughly enjoyed catching up with you and all of your pictures!
Have a good rest of the week, and hope your back feels better and that you get all caught up!
I love DC and the girls managing the leaves. What great fall photo! The hoodies are just precious and my how the twins have grown. I know Kristin is glad to have you back.
You're right - your leaves make mine look a little puny. LOL I don't envy him all that raking though. My word, that's a lot of leaves.
The babies are adorable - I can't get over how much they've grown. By the way, they've caught up with Avery - all three of them have the same size head now. I know this because you sent me the twins' measurements for their caps. :-)
Fall is so beautiful. It's fun seeing everyone enjoying the leaves. How blessed you are with these girls. I'm sure there a lot of work...but a lot of blessing too! It's fun to see things through a child's leaves.
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