Thanksgiving Day was really nice. We ended up with 9 adults, the two bigger girls, and the getting-bigger-every-day twinnies. Everyone was in a good mood (most of the time), and the food was great. I was so busy hostessing that I forgot to take a picture of the table and the food.
The Thanksgiving goodness began on Tuesday when I was blessed to be able to go to Grandparents' Day at Care Bear's school. We all met in the gym/cafeteria until the kids were released from their classes to come and look for us. Care Bear is quite the little social butterfly and spent more time running around greeting friends than hanging out with me. But then we got to go to her classroom and then the fun began. The first graders have been busily learning about the Pilgrims, the Indians, the Mayflower, and all of the things we all learned about - I was really glad to see that. They did a little play for us --
The Indians
The teacher had made a turkey out of brown grocery bags (wish I had taken a picture!), and she served the kids either white or dark meat - yellow popcorn and white. Really cute. We were served some nice cookies, and then they were to show us the room or read to us, or whatever they wanted to do. Care Bear, who's the highest reader in her class, read the easiest book she could find. The teacher commented on that. When I asked her why she chose that book, she said she just liked it.
Care Bear was excited to show me the inside of her desk --
Her teacher told me, when Care Bear wasn't around, that her desk didn't always look that good!
Wednesday I had so much to do to get ready for company, but I had the girls for quite a bit of the afternoon. They really like to help, and so we found ways for them to do that - they really did help. They actually were anxious to dust - and they were funny in their comments about how much dust there was! They were right.
Then everybody washed their hands really well and helped me make the rolls. They did a remarkably good job of rolling up the crescents --
Care Bear is the ultimate event planner. I see a great future for her in one of any number of areas. She and Feisty made all of the place cards. She wanted to set the table right then, but I talked her into waiting to come early and help me yesterday. She changed the table arrangement several times, after she had helped set the table. But back to Wednesday - she was upstairs busily doing a project, which turned out to be directions for everyone to follow.
Above the food table.
Pointing the guests to the dinner table.
Two wonderful shots that I can't resist sharing -
Katie exploring her other grandpa's mustache.
I hope you have all had a wonderful week - let the Christmas decorating begin!!