Yesterday was our anniversary. The above pictures are two of my favorites from that wonderful occasion 37 years ago. Our plan this year was simple - just go up the mountain to Estes Park to a favorite restaurant for dinner. Fortunately, we called first, only to learn that they are closed on Mondays. So we went to Panera for a lovely sandwich and soup beside the fireplace, followed by the movie "The Blind Side." I'm not a movie-goer or even a very often movie-renter. But I am so glad we went to this one. It was wonderful - I highly recommend it, if you haven't seen it yet. We did get up to Estes tonight and enjoyed a delicious meal and peaceful time together.
Christmas was great. We had Christmas Eve with DC's family - a simple meal, good fellowship, fun gifts, ending with a great treasure hunt for the big girls.
Christmas morning we had our traditional brunch at my house with my family. I had set the kids' table for the 4 girls. Katie decided she wanted to sit in her usual seat, though it was on the floor instead of on a chair. She dragged it out and sat down. I put the tray on, and Emma proceeded to start feeding her. It was priceless.
A few minutes later, they were under the table, "reading" several days' worth of the Denver Post.
Sema brought their dog, Calli. She is a very short-haired bull terrier who does not like the cold. She has a coat and boots, and gladly wears them.
Twins are so interesting so watch and listen to. They definitely have their own language. We're trying hard to understand it, and I know they wish we did. They have more and more understandable vocabulary, but I know they're tired of hearing us say, "Yes, I know! Uh-huh!"
They play together, of course, and what one doesn't think of, the other does. Their latest game is sitting in the bathroom cabinet and shutting the door as far as they can - and then giggling and giggling. (Katie has the most amazing bedhead in the mornings!)
So now it's on to 2010. I just got used to writing 2009! As I've mentioned often, my word for the year, "flexibility" really got a workout. On the way down from Estes Park tonight, we were listening to the Gaither Vocal Band. One of my favorites on the album is "Not Gonna Worry." Here is a very informal rendition, with the words above.
I'm not gonna speculate or contemplate on how it might have been.
I'm not gonna worry, He's got the whole things in his hands.
I won't let it haunt me, I won't let it win.
I'm not gonna ruminate or meditate on how it might have been.
I'm gonna release it, He's got the whole thing in His hands.
Maybe lately I started to resign,
But here it goes, God only knows
It might just ease my mind.
I'm not gonna worry, I'm not gonna fret,
I'm just gonna wait and see and in between give thanks for what I get.
I'm not gonna worry, He's got the whole thing in His hands.
Maybe lately I started to resign.
But here it goes, God only knows
It might just ease my mind.
I'm not gonna worry, I'm not gonna fret,
I'm not gonna speculate or contemplate what hasn't happened yet.
I'm not gonna worry, He's got the whole thing in His hands.
He's got the whole thing in His hands.
In these days of uncertainty and confusion, we are told 365 times in scripture to "not be afraid." Once for each day of the year! I am asking God to help me TRUST this year more than ever before. I am going to trust Him to . . .
- bring Kevin into total deliverance from drug addiction
- give Kevin peace and joy about his future, and a plan for that future
- give Sema peace and strength as she "holds down the fort" while Kev is away
- provide a position for Kristen when she finishes school, one that will give her the ability to provide for her family and give her satisfaction
- continue providing strength and health for DC and me as we care for the girls while Kristen goes to school and work
- give me strength I need to do what I need to do to be my best physically, mentally, and spiritually