This has been one of those weeks - you know the kind - you wish life was on video and you could rewind and erase. It's interesting how sometimes those mountains pictured in the last post can be a metaphor for a wonderful, exhilirating experience, and the valley represents a time of sadness or trouble. Other times the mountains can seem like something totally unattainable or impossible, and the valley becomes a place of restoration.
I heard this song today, sung by Josh Groban, and it was just what I needed. Enjoy it as you peruse the rest of the post.
As the "stuff" was unfolding, there was lots of good mixed in. Who can't feel better about life when you have this little one in it? This picture was taken on "Crazy Hair Day" at school.
Several of you have asked for an update on the girls' health. They're doing great - all four of them. They did share their germs with me and I'm still trying to get rid of them, but the girls all back to normal. Thanks for your prayer! The twins are really getting into the growing up routine. They are trying out new foods every day. If you haven't looked at the baby food aisle lately, let me tell you - they might not taste any better than when our kids were babies, but the combinations are certainly more interesting.
Truth be known - they really prefer pizza crust with just a touch of cheese and sauce --
They are in to everything -- wishing they could join their big sisters for a bath (cropped for obvious reasons!)
Remember my lovely shelves full of the memorabilia I brought home from work when I retired? That worked well until - well, until now - when the girlies can pull themselves up to anything -- Care Bear helped me by "rearranging" everything onto the top two shelves - might work until they grow a few more inches!
I saved the biggest news till last. I always leave Kate and Emma in the family room when I need a minute to accomplish something quick (bathroom break comes to mind). The other day I was fixing bottles in the kitchen. I turned around to take them downstairs when what to my wondering eyes appeared but -- little Emma looking up at me quite innocently. It took me quite a few seconds to process what I was seeing. I knew I hadn't carried her up those stairs! Or at least I didn't recall carrying her up those stairs - and more than that, I wouldn't have left her there if I had carried her up those stairs! It wasn't long before Katie followed her sister. It has been so amazing to watch the progress they've made in the last month. Look out world, here they come!!