Neno’s Award — Rules and Regulations
1. As a dedication for those who love blogging and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
2. To seek the reasons why we all love blogging.
3. Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
4. Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
5. Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
6. Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
7. Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
It's been quite awhile since an award came my way, and I am pleasantly surprised by this one, passed on to me by my good friend and loyal reader, Hootin' Anni. Thanks, Anni!
The reasons I love blogging are many, which is why I continue to plug away at coming up with posts, and faithfully visiting my friends. Since I had to go private, I have lost many of my readers, but do so value those that still come around and comment. The world of blogging has made my world so much smaller - I love visiting Canada, England, every imaginable state each day and keeping DC up to date on the weather and news from everywhere!
Blog friends have prayed for me and my family with such passion and caring, and God has answered so many of those prayers.
My blog has become somewhat of a journal rather than informative, inspiring, or brilliant writing. But I know it will be great to have this diary of my life as I grow older - I do need to save it somewhere, though, so I don't lose it.
I have met 5 of my blog friends, and will be meeting 4 more in the next month. I can hardly wait to return with pictures and stories about these fun times. You, my friends, are as "real" to me as those I see face to face here at home.
I want to give this award to everyone who is loyal and comes by in spite of the difficulty of keeping up with me, since I have recently discovered that Blogger Follower does not notify you when I have a new post. Thank you all - you are important to me!
My new schedule is to pick up the twins on Tuesday morning so that Kristen can get to school and be a Mother Helper in Care Bear's class (she does Thursdays in Feisty's room, but I have the twins overnight on Wednesday). This last Tuesday on the way to her house, I was able to catch this beautiful sunrise. Since I don't get out and drive to work in the early morning any more, I have missed many beautiful sunrises, so I enjoyed this one tremendously. I especially loved it in retrospect, since we didn't see the sun for the rest of that day, or all day yesterday.

If you've been with me very long, you know that music is of huge importance in my life. I have written numerous posts with music as part of the theme, at least. I am privileged to attend a church where we still sing the wonderful hymns, which are timeless. We also still have organ and piano (I play the organ every other Sunday), and a choir, which DC and I enjoy greatly.
Recently I saw a small notice in our local newspaper about the choral society - they were inviting new members for the Christmas presentation. It is called "The Glory of Christmas" this year, which gave me an indication that it perhaps would be about the real reason for Christmas. I decided to show up for the first rehearsal and see what I thought. I got there at 6, because new folks had to be "evaluated" - not exactly an audition, but a check on part placement. We then went over all of the music, which includes approximately 20 pieces. I didn't get home until 9:45, tired, but so exhilirated that I could not get to sleep.
The next 8-10 Tuesday evenings (and some Mondays) will be spent preparing for 4 performances. I am enjoying it so much so far, after two rehearsals. We are doing several pieces from Vivaldi's "Gloria," which is classical. We are doing around 10 wonderful sacred pieces, and about 5 really fun secular songs. All are challenging, which makes it more fun.
To top it off, I have met a kindred spirit and we are so enjoying singing next to each other, though we don't have much time to visit, since talking during rehearsal is extremely bad manners (and not allowed)!
I heard this song on the radio the other day and it took me back to last year's cantata at church. It speaks to me of the need for prayer for our world situation.
Lord, hear our cry
Come heal our land
Breathe life into these dry and thirsty souls
Lord, hear our prayer
Forgive our sin
And as we call on Your name
Would You make this a place
For Your glory to dwell
Open the blind eyes
Unlock the deaf ears
Come to Your people
As we draw near
Hear us from heaven
Touch our generation
We are Your people
Crying out in desperation
Lord hear our song
Your children worship
As we sing out Your praise
Would You make this a place for Your glory to dwell
Changing subjects drastically, I just have to share this picture with you before I close. I am thankful that these little darlings don't know that their grandma used to bake cookies "from scratch" and now buys cookie dough! It looks and smells as good and is just as much fun to watch!