The end of the school year is always a fun time for the kids - for instance, last minute field trips and the annual field day. This year the forecast was for another rainy day. Care Bear prayed her heart out for a nice day, and her faith was honored. It was a blue sky all morning - raining later in the day.
I have spent many years going to these special events - I was privileged to be a stay-at-home mom in those days and was able to go for 8 years for the two kids. Fast forward to grandparenthood. I began going for our stepgrandson because Kristen was working those days and I wasn't.
I've attended for Care Bear for the last 3 years, and this year it was both Care Bear and Feisty. Kristen and I spent the morning switching places on the school yard to try to see everything they were each doing.
Back when my kids were in school, Field Day involved competition. There were first, second, and third place ribbons. Others got honorable mention, if I recall. It was good healthy competition. Now it's just a play time, basically, with no winners or losers. The kids aren't learning how to win and lose gracefully. I am sure it has to do with parents complaining about their little darlings not winning. It's sad.
But - the kids have a great time. Care Bear is very athletic and does well at anything she tries. Feisty had her first experience and she had a fabulous time - it was great to watch her enjoying herself.
I didn't catch a lot of Care Bear's games - this one seemed to be organized chaos to me. I guess it was some kind of tag where they had to grab hands when they were tagged. The boys didn't cooperate very well with the holding hands part. (Care Bear is on the end with the green shirt).

Here's another game that I couldn't quite catch on to - another form of tag. They certainly did get their exercise, at least!

This parachute game looks like fun - though I don't think I could take it being under there for very long.

I asked Care Bear what they did under there - she said they played Duck, Duck, Goose.

Feisty and the obstacle course --