So - I had great big plans for yesterday. I was planning to start the 40 Bags in 40 Days Challenge, as described here: Clover Lane: One Week From Now: 40 Bags, 40 Days. This is something I've needed to do for a long time, but lacked the motivation. I was primed to begin de-cluttering the many messy areas of my house.
But then - as so often happens to me, my plans took a turn. I should know better than to even make a plan, I guess. Just go with the flow. You know last year's word - flexibility!!??
Here's how it went:
- Kristen had a day off work and really wanted to go to the gym with me when she had a chance, so we did that.
- By the time we got done with this and other asundry little errands, it was 11:30.
- I decided to eat my favorite salad at Runza - Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad. I was going to just take my coin purse in, and was looking for my last $20 bill. It was gone - I have no clue where.
- In the process of this distraction, as I slammed the door shut, I shuddered - yep, the keys were still in the ignition - AGAIN! If you've been with me long, you know this is a bad habit of mine - locking the doors with the switch on the door rather than using the remote control. I must retrain my brain! I have had two of those magnetic boxes under the car that have both fallen off - which you don't know until you need it!
- I decided to go ahead and enjoy my lunch and deal with the problem afterward. I decided to walk home to get the spare key, which is hanging in the kitchen. When I started down the street, I changed my mind and decided to call my dear SIL, who lives close to the restaurant and is always willing to help. My cell phone was at home charging! Ugh. I could have used the restaurant's phone, but could not remember my SIL's number - she recently went to cell phone exclusively, and the number is programmed into my phone - I thought of it later, of course!
- So - back outside to head for home - about 2 miles. It was fairly warm, but also fairly breezy. I enjoyed the walk, though, reading my book as I walked. I stopped at our church, about halfway, to use the "facilities." There was a good friend, volunteering in the office. I told her my sad story, and she offered to drive me home, and then back to my car.
- We got to my house - guess what?? Someone has used the outdoor house key, which hangs in an obscure place - and didn't put it back. ARGGGHHHH!!! No way possible to get into the house. No key to the house, no key to the car - I called DC from her cell phone and he expressed Tough Love - he could not come home to bail me out this time.
- So - we went back to the church, I looked up a locksmith, who met us sat the restaurant within 10 minutes. It cost $40 for his two minutes of breaking into my car (the last time this happened, it cost me $48). I later found out I could put in a claim with my insurance, but I don't have a receipt from the first one. Oh, well, one's better than none! I found out from my insurance company that we have Emergency Road Service and that they would have taken care of it. How do you do that when your information is locked in the car and you don't know the phone number to call them??
- My friend, who was backing out of the parking spot to head back to church, almost ran into two blind people who were walking across the parking lot - very scary. I think they should probably not cut across parking lots.
- I gladly got back into my car and headed back home. By this time I was in no mood to start a major project.
So - that was yesterday. Today I thought maybe I could get something done on this project, even though I had the two littles. But - today turned out to be a beautiful spring-like day,and being outside was ever so much more fun.

We found our first flowers - snow drop flowers - appropriately named, because in March, we can go from spring to winter blizzard in a heartbeat. Hope not this year, but it happens.

And this is all I got done on my project today - how how does one acquire this much junky plastic stuff that doesn't have tops to match? Hopefully, most of it will be gone by tomorrow. I took a "before" picture, but don't know if I dare show it - embarrassing!