One of the fun aspects of doing something like Wordless Wednesday is that you get many visitors who don't normally read your blog, nor do they necessarily come back to read it after viewing your pictures. But I always like to go back and visit theirs to thank them for stopping by. It was in doing this that I first spotted this award. I thought it was a great one, but didn't expect to ever receive it. Then it arrived in our "circle" - one the most interesting things about blogging is the concentric circles that are formed - intersecting at various places.
Imagine my delight when Linda paid it forward to me yesterday. I love Linda's writing. In fact, I told her the other day that I love her thought processes and her heart for God. She should be writing devotionals for a publication. I am so glad we "met" in this way and wish we could meet in person someday. She also nominated Bev of Blessed Beyond Measure. She also makes me cry and laugh. She is a gifted writer. As Linda mentioned, we're all grandmothers and are in love with those little kiddoes who have enriched our lives (and also exhaust us!) So now it is my task to whittle down my incredibly long list of writers who inspire me to only five. I cheated a bit and already named two extra. Don't tell anybody!
Bev's sister, Barb, makes me think - she makes me think about how much cooking and cleaning and creating I don't do any more! She has more energy than anyone I "know" and she inspires me to bigger and better things. Unfortunately, I have not arrived at the point where I'm actually putting these inspirations into action. But I love going there and reading what she has written. She is a very busy grandma as well, and is trying to balance her life. She has so many readers and commenters, and she is a wonderful commenter and supporter of what we write. I think we will have the opportunity meet soon, because her soon-to-be son-in-law is going to be a member of the newest MSW class we are admitting. I am so excited to meet him and Mandy and someday meet Barb and Rob when they come over to visit.
My daughter, Kristen, got me started on this blogging journey, and is the one who keeps my technically challenged self up to par in this world of very smart people. She normally writes about the kids and the challenges of motherhood, and I was delighted when I joined this adventure to discover her writing ability afresh and anew. But today she did a post that will make you really think. It is a subject that we all probably need to think about. Check it out. I told her it is one of the best pieces of writing she's done and a very timely topic.
I've mentioned several times that Diane was right up there with Kristen in helping me get started with this new circle of wonderful supportive friendships. She has been my biggest cheerleader as I've written the stories with Kristen and Kevin of our struggles through anorexia and drug addiction. (Thanks to Kristen, they are collected on my sidebar now). I love Diane's writing as well, and she challenges me every time she does a devotional type post. We have had some common struggles, and yet are very different in other ways. But what a wonderful friendship this has become and we hope to connect in person soon.
Kim is close to my daughter's age, from what I can discern. I love Kim's writing. She hasn't been able to post as much recently since she got a new challenging job that she loves. But when she does write, it sends me into the cerebral parts of my brain. She is a gifted writer, in my opinion. She has a real love for God.
I don't remember how or when I connected with so many of these wonderful women, but another dear cyber friend who has really touched my heart is Nancy. I know many of us have been challenged to think about our blessings more often since we've been reading her Daily Blessings. She has enriched my life.
I thank God for bringing these incredible women, and SO MANY MORE, (I wish I could have named ten!) into my life in the last 10 months. I know I probably spend too much time on the computer, and those in my life who have not experienced this blessing cannot understand it. I was a hard sell at first. You have all had an impact on my life. When I think of the volume of prayer that ascends to the throne of God whenever one of us has a need, or we know of someone who has a need and we bring it to this place, it is awesome. We are blessed to know each other.