Last night DC and I took a lovely bike ride after church. It was one of those perfect bike riding kind of evenings. It was the second time this week I've missed a fabulous sunset because I forgot my camera. I am not happy about that. Tonight's was golden for a long time. It'll have to remain a mental picture.
We took this one great bike/walking path. There are several benches along the way and an elderly gentleman (well, older than us anyway) had sat down - his neck was bent and his head down, appearing to me as if he were taking a little snooze. Imagine my surprise when we got closer and I realized he was checking his Blackberry! That gave me a good chuckle.
I am praising the Lord for sending angels to watch over us when we need them. Kristen and the big girls were heading to the Denver area Friday afternoon to have a "slumber party" with Kristen's best friend from high school. They left about 2:30-ish that afternoon. Around 3:00, another huge gully-washing downpour hit here in my town. I remember sending up a little prayer that she be safe on the road. She called around 3:10 to ask me if I had prayed for her 3 minutes earlier. It had been more than 3 minutes, but I believe that little prayer saved her life. She was just seconds behind a horrific accident - the car just ahead of her was involved. There were four cars mangled, 4 sent to the hospital - one a child who was later airlifted to Children's Hospital in Denver. If she had been 5 minutes later, she would have sat there on the road with Care Bear and Feisty for 4 hours. Thank you, Jesus!
Quite a few people have mentioned the series of celebrity deaths in the last few days. Farrah was just a few months older than I, and fought valiantly for her life. Her passing was greatly overshadowed by that of Michael Jackson.
MJ - I knew he wouldn't live long because his life was so crazy and his health so precarious. I have no emotional attachment to him whatsoever, but just wonder what happened to him to make him a caricature of himself. He was such a cute kid and talented. But every picture of his crotch-grabbing antics just sickens me, as they play them over and over and over. I don't know if he was guilty of what he was accused or not. I'm sure that ordeal had a big part in his health problems, guilty or innocent. I just fear for the future of those 3 kids who have already had such a bizarre life.
In contrast to all of the hoopla over these deaths, a woman I never met has spent her first day in heaven. I wish I had known her. I came to learn about her through CaringBridge postings that her husband wrote, and which have been e-mailed to me for the last few months. He was a family friend of DC's family from their teen years. She was an amazing woman who fought cancer as valiantly as Farrah, the difference being that she showed the love and power of God in her journey. She spent her last week on earth with the youth group she loved on a mission trip. She went to Jesus at 9:21 yesterday morning. Here's part of her husband's post the day after she passed away.
"I just have a couple observations: Already (or still) I think: "What should we eat tonight? We need some soft food, or soup for Cindy. Something creamy, perhaps..." But then I realize that's not necessary any more. She's "dining at the banqueting table" with Saints from all the ages. Just think: Moses? Abraham and Sarah? Ruth? King David? Solomon? Zaccheaus? (she could ask if my portrayal of him in an Easter play was anywhere close). What things to they talk about? Contemplate? What do they sing for "Grace"before eating?
So I was exhausted as I went to bed. I didn't want to, but knew I should. Our bedroom was full of stuff like medical equipment - but empty of my most needful thing: God took her away.
But just then 3 angels walked in. My kids. They took care of me. One took one of my hands, one took another, and one took my feet... The actually tucked me in.
Then Jenny said : "Who loves you? I answered "God - and Jesus - and my wonderful kids." Then, there in the quiet, they prayed for me.
I wish I'd known Cindy - she sounded like a wonderful person.
Now that the spring flowers are gone, we have a few different varieties around the yard. We purposely created a very shady yard, so most annuals don't do very well with the lack of direct sun. I miss having petunias and roses, but I'll take the shade!

We like to play Susie Snapdragon - take off a bloom, squeeze on the sides, and make it talk.

We like to play Susie Snapdragon - take off a bloom, squeeze on the sides, and make it talk.
Remember how I used to enjoy the squirrels? We now have 4 resident furry-tailed rodents in our yard who keep away the little wrens and eat all of the bird seed. I caught one coming out from under the net that is supposed to be protecting the strawberries - little rat!
But we are getting a few, and they look pretty nice when they survive.

The other day DC sent me an e-mail from work telling me he wanted me to get in my car, take a lawn chair, leave my cell phone at home, drive up into the Big Thompson Canyon, sit by the river, and read my book for a couple of hours. I asked him if it wouldn't be just as good to sit under a shade tree in the back yard. He insisted it would not. So I followed his advice. It was sprinkling when I got there, but I found a nice bench to sit on right by the water, and it soon cleared up. It was a delightful interlude .

We've had a really active cotton crop this year - the kind that flies out of cottonwood trees and causes much trouble with allergies. I don't have allergies, but it makes my nose itch. I was surprised to find it flying around up there. It looked like it was snowing.

Looking up into the sky as I left to go back to real life.

I thought these clouds were just gorgeous as I was driving north one day last week. I had to pull over and get a shot.

Today the girls wanted to go visit Great Auntie G - she doesn't have any grandkids yet, and she is just the most fun auntie. She always is ready to play games, have a snack, do make-up and hair, make something in the kitchen. They had a great visit today - Great Grandma lives there now, and she's always so excited to see them.The other day DC sent me an e-mail from work telling me he wanted me to get in my car, take a lawn chair, leave my cell phone at home, drive up into the Big Thompson Canyon, sit by the river, and read my book for a couple of hours. I asked him if it wouldn't be just as good to sit under a shade tree in the back yard. He insisted it would not. So I followed his advice. It was sprinkling when I got there, but I found a nice bench to sit on right by the water, and it soon cleared up. It was a delightful interlude .
We've had a really active cotton crop this year - the kind that flies out of cottonwood trees and causes much trouble with allergies. I don't have allergies, but it makes my nose itch. I was surprised to find it flying around up there. It looked like it was snowing.
Looking up into the sky as I left to go back to real life.
I thought these clouds were just gorgeous as I was driving north one day last week. I had to pull over and get a shot.
Katie likes to weigh herself. Emma must have had a very active night in her porta crib!
Somebody turned on the furnace today - it was 92 at the highest. But it's cooling off nicely for a good night's rest.
It's now been a year since I "retired." My e-mail signature is now my name with my new title, "Reassigned Retiree." I like Barb's line, "Living proof that there's no such thing as retirement!"
In case you missed the announcement on my last post, Care Bear has started a blog, and her address is . She'd love to have you visit!