I've never had a "word for the year" before. This year I do, and it is getting a real workout. The word, if you recall, is "flexibility." I just noticed it's been a week since I wrote a post, which is testament to the craziness of this week. I don't know if this year requires more flexibility than normal, or if I'm just noticing it because it's my word.
A week and a half ago Kristen had a blood test taken. An entire week later the doctor's office called to tell her she had swine flu - a week later! She was passing along germs a whole week before they called? She had a few symptoms, but just wasn't sick enough for this diagnosis, in our opinion. But, to be safe, we had to keep the kids - we couldn't risk them getting the virus.
Two days later, Kristen insisted on a second blood test, because she just didn't feel like she had H1N1. They asked her to come in rather than just giving her the news over the phone. That was a bit intimidating. Turns out she doesn't have the flu at all - but she is anemic. How in the world did they make such a mistake?
So she was given a mongo iron shot, which made her dizzy for a few hours. That night we took the kids to Kentucky Fried Chicken for supper. I don't take my purse in with me when I have the 4 kids to contend with. I just took my glasses case in with me to exchange for the sunglasses I was wearing. I never took my sunglasses off after all.
We took the big girls home, because their mommy was feeling good enough to have them overnight, and she obviously wasn't contagious. I discovered on the way that I didn't have my glasses case with me. I panicked. I need new glasses, but didn't have time to get before going away for the week-end. We headed back to KFC, hoping I had left them on the table. Unfortunately, they weren't there, nor under the table - there was a group eating there.
So - the next step was checking the garbage - YUCK!! The good news? Most of the people in there that night were getting the advetised special "to go" - consequently, no mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, or chicken bones were on top of what I had dumped in there a half hour before. There was my glasses case - I had put them on the tray with the trash and garbage. What a relief! UPDATE: Yesterday (Monday) my glasses BROKE! So now I'm running around in constant dusk with my prescription sunglasses - without them I'd be in a total fog! I'm heading to Lenscrafters today, though I'd rather go somewhere that's not in such a hurry. I pray they do a good job. I can't get along for a week without my specs, and I don't think they're fixable, even temporarily. sigh
Friday morning was Feisty's first ever field trip and Kristen wanted to go as a mother helper. We were so glad she wasn't contagious, so she could do it. The littles and I went to the library while she and Feisty went to the fire station.

Friday afternoon I left with the group from church for Women of Faith in Denver. On the way, two people realized they didn't have their tickets. What did we do before cell phones?? We made lots of phone calls, and discovered that technology is a good thing in cases like this - several of us who had our tickets were able to give them a number which allowed them to bring up the missing tickets on the computer and print new tickets. Who knew??
We finally got to the hotel only to discover that downtown Denver was a real mess - parking was a nightmare. We ended up with valet parking and walked to the bus to get to the auditorium. If you ever have a chance to go to a Women of Faith conference, treat yourself (go to the link to see who all was there). The speakers are so great - I call it inspiration overload. The music this year was a bit loud for my taste, and I was disappointed when Sandi Patti was unable to be there after all. I bought books by almost every speaker this year. Remember Blair from Facts of Life? Lisa Whelchel, who played her, has an amazing story of her years on the show. Sheila Walsh, Marilyn Meberg, Patsy Clairmont, Lucy Swindoll - all have the amazing ability to take something little that happened in their lives and find a spiritual application. Or, in the case of this year, something huge that changed her life and can help us with our spiritual journey. I go from laughter to tears in split seconds.
Friday night after the service, which included a Stephen Curtis Chapman concert (with his two sons playing in his band - Will Franklin, who was driving the car when their little Maria was run over, sits behind his dad as he talks about the tragedy), we headed on foot back to the hotel. After a stop at the Cheesecake Factory (where we consumed way too many calories), crazy as it seems, we had to deal with the fact that we were given rooms with only one bed per room and 3 women per room. Uh Oh. Suffice it to say,we worked it out, quite creatively. but it was a bit of a mix-up. You'll have to guess how we did it!
We ate too much, slept too little, laughed, cried, talked, bonded. Sema was able to go with us and I was so glad of that. We are going to be sure Kristen gets to go next year.
Mixed in with all of the other stuff this week, DC brought in a pick-up load of dirt to fill in around the new patio.
What a goofball!
He also installed these flag stones --
Some fun shots of the kiddoes --
Saying "Bye-Bye"
Saying "Bye-Bye"

Calling Mommy, most likely --

Playing teacher - "reading" to the class -- (a friend added the color to her hair, and 4 washings later, it is still there!)
Playing teacher - "reading" to the class -- (a friend added the color to her hair, and 4 washings later, it is still there!)

Hauling around something Care Bear created --
Have a wonderful week!