Thank you for all of your comments on the previous post. I agree totally that the not knowing what happened to your child is probably worse than knowing she is dead. I cannot fathom either how anyone could do this to a child innocently on her way to school, or riding his bike, or watching t.v. on a cold winter night. I saw the Dateline episode with Sean Hornbeck again yesterday and marvel and rejoice with his parents, as well as Elizabeth Smart's, and now Jaycee's. Miracles still do happen. I agree also that Jonelle is probably with Jesus - but I do wish her parents could know what happened to her. Also JonBenet Ramsey's family.
All of this talking of lostness and foundness has led me to sharing about Kevin. Remember this post about when he got lost at the Pet and Doll Parade when he was 4? That was so frightening, and the thoughts that went through my mind about never finding him still can bring shivers.
Then we lost him in a completely different way. He and I wrote his story, which is on my sidebar. Most of you have been with me through that time of rejoicing over his return from Teen Challenge, transformed by God. (The pictures disappeared when I went private and panicked, and cancelled my Flickr account - unfortunately! But the text is still there, I believe).
You were with me when I took him to the airport to return to the program and wrote this post when I got home. I know many of you continue to pray for him daily, and it means so much to us.
Kevin has been spending his time in Maine learning where things went wrong in the three years since he got home from the last round. His wife has struggled greatly with all of this, but they are communicating again. He felt it was life or death for himself to get back into TC. He is growing and learning every day. I love his letters. And we enjoy a short phone call once a week.
I included a picture in the last post I linked - it was from when he got home from TC the first time, and his eyes were so bright and he looked so happy and full of optimism. I said in that post that I look forward to the day I see those bright eyes shining again. He sent us this picture the other day - he had it taken for Sema in honor of their 8th anniversary, though they are not together (don't you just love the white feet?) I'm seeing hope there again.
He also sent me the name of this song, which describes how he's feeling. I hope you can take the time to listen to it. And to continue praying for him as he seeks God's will for his future, once he finishes. He is 1/3 through this phase of the program, which means he can have company, or he can come home for a short visit. I want to go out there, but would love to see him home too. I don't know if he can do both. Please also add Sema (her cyber name), to your long list of needs.

He is wearing a wonderful smile. Whatever he is doing and however his maker is guiding's working... by the looks of this wonderful photo! Don't you think? I do!
This is a super post again. So filled with optimism, and positive issues. I love that.
He looks content in the photo.
You know I'm praying.
He does look happy, Dawn. I do hope that he can get it all sorted out and return home to find continued happiness. What IS with those white feet??????
There are always so many unanswered questions in those disappearances. I am sure that many of these families have found renewed hope in the discovery of Jaycee and the others.
My prayers continue for Kev.
He looks very optimistic and I'm sure that he made the right decision. He knows his needs best and sometimes we have to do things that are difficult in order to make things right.
I am praying for them both. Hope you have a wonderful week.
So glad Kevin is doing well. I really love that song too. I think of it being my youngest sons song. He can't seem to make it into his dream job (he wants to be a police officer). He has always been in the shadow of a very successful older brother. How hard. I think he feels like he is 'not good enough'. Well i say God has a plan and is not finished yet. Hope you get to see your son soon.
PS....I'm back today....yes, those clouds WERE productive.
Have a great Wednesday.
Kevin looks good in the photo, Dawn. I hope and pray that this time he can defeat his demons, with God's help.
Love and hugs,
Dawn, he looks well and peaceful. I pray the Lord will do a complete work of healing in his heart. I pray for Sema as well. It is a very difficult time for her.
We are so blessed to know that we have a Father for whom nothing is impossible and who delights to bless us with every good thing in Jesus.
There is great hope for the future.
I can well imagine how this picture made you smile when you received it...he's looking so good and I love that smile! It's sad knowing that he had to go back there but at least he knew he needed help again to find his way. My prayers continue for both Kevin and Sema. That video was beautiful and the song had the perfect words to explain what Kevin is going through. xoxo
Hi Dawn,
I was unfamiliar with the trials you all have been going through.
I will pray for complete healing in Kevin's life. Thanks for sharing so we know how to pray.
Great song; I see why he sent it to you. I love how God can transform and give grace. I have seen the fact that God is not finished with me yet over and over so many lives!
Ah, Dawn, your son looks so good. He and Sema will remain in my prayers.
I enjoyed meeting your sister Vicky! I have yet to meet Sarah, but I am looking for her!
He looks good! I pray that this is God's timing for his healing. I pray that for my own son too. Paul is actually coming up on 90 days of sobriety. PTL
I am here, and no, Dawn, I don't get any notification when you post now that you are private, so I have to remember to pop over! I am just using the dashboard and blogger to get updates, so I am sorry if I seem not around.
I remember the Kevin story so well, and he and your daughter in law are still in my prayers. Just keep believing. That is a great photo!
Glad thigns are going well..and he does look very content....and that is a great look to have
Love, Jess
Wow. I want to play that for Corey.
I will be praying for Kevin!
I still pray for Kevin - I know God is working mightily in his life. I am also praying for your DIL and their marriage.
I've been praying for him and Sema. Just this past Saturday, as I was waiting to turn into W-Mart, I saw a bunch of guys in brightly colored t-shirts collecting money. I thought they were firemen, but lo and behold, they were Teen Challenge dudes!
I didn't see Kevin, but I did ask the young man I talked to, who knew right who he was, to tell him "HI!!!" from his mom's friend in Maine. At least, that's what I meant to say. Unfortunately, I was pretty tired and and my brain wasn't getting the words to my brain in an orderly fashion. So if Kev tells you the fellow brought back a greeting from his mom's Maine dithering idiot - that was ME!
I was just thining about you and your son yesterday and came here today to see if you have updated on him at all. SO glad to read he is doing well. My heart goes out to you, Dawn.
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