Thanks for all the wonderful comments on my previous random post. I have some really neat new commenters, and it is such fun to have new cyberfriends. I have been honored with two new awards, which I need to acknowledge. First of all, thank you so much to Angela at The Life and Times of Gran for the Sweet Treats award. I must admit (see first paragraph of previous post - the lost mind thing!) that I know somebody else gifted me with this previously, but I cannot for the life of me find that comment. I apologize to whichever wonderful friend it was, and ask you to please let me know who you are. I am so embarrassed. But thanks, Angela, and my other anonymous benefactor.
The second award is from a brand new friend, Cynthia at Walking On. Cynthia is the mother of 8 children, and writes so beautifully. Go over and visit Cynthia at her lovely site. She has given me the following award, which I greatly appreciate. Everyone I read lifts me up every day. I truly love this community of women I have grown to feel like I know in person. Thank you, Cynthia.
Not only is it a wonderful sentiment, but it is a beautiful button. I would like to pass this sentiment on to Nancy, who finds something to thank the Lord for every time she posts. She has been a blessing to me. Right now, she is in pain, so please go over and encourage her.
Many of you wished me "Happy Birthday" when I posted about my belated birthday gift from DC - the laptop! It arrived this week-end, BTW. I am so excited, and looking forward to learning yet more new things!! Hmmm. But most of you did greet me, way back when I posted about it at here. Aren't I sneaky, to get double blessings for this 60th anniversary of my birrth!
I finished listening to Tuesdays with Morrie this morning on my way to work. Oh, my goodness, this book had a terrific impact on me. A brand new commenter, Julie, pointed out that people on Oprah and Dr. Phil are told not to give God the credit for being able to make it through horrendous experiences. I suspected that to be so, but it grieves my heart that they cannot give God the glory so that others may find Him as well. We are in precarious times in our land. But back to Morrie -- at the end of the CD of the book, Mitch Albom plays some of the actual footage he recorded with Morrie. It touched my heart deeply, and if you have opportunity, "read" the book in this way, or go back and listen to it if you have already read it. As Sharon Lynne said in her comment, "Even though I'm not sure if Morrie knew the Lord, I still think the God uses books like that to speak to us." I agree.
I must stop now and go do that for which I am being paid. But I leave you with a bit more of Care Bear's wisdom. As Pea said in her comment, "That Care Bear is wise beyond her years:-)" We were talking about the gifts they were wrapping for the Navajo brothers and sisters which I wrote about a few days ago. We as a district of our church always take down an entire 18-wheeler full of gifts just before Christmas. They had gifts for a young boy and a teen-age boy. The young boy had a toy and the teen boy had a DVD. She said, "Teen-agers don't want toys, you know. They just want to hang out!" Now I ask again, "How in the world does she know these things??"
Have a wonderful Tuesday.

Congratulations on the awards, dear Dawn, you truly deserve each one that's available out there:-) I so love coming to visit you here and it bothers me no end when I can't make it for a day or so because of being too busy! lol Gosh, Care Bear got it right again...she seems to really pay attention to everything that goes on around her!! xox
You ARE a sweet read!!!!
Congratulations on your awards! They are well-deserved, Dawn. I popped over to check out the 2 blogs, which are new to me, and will be back to read more.
Let us know how you get on with the new computer!
Congrats on the award!
Congratulations on your new awards! I look forward to checking out the "new" blogs.
It IS amazing how Care Bear is aware of so much beyond her years!
Congratulations on the awards. You are very deserving. I always enjoy my visits.
Just a "hello" from a total stranger who has been blessed to read your kindness to others in the many sites we both visit. (I was just reading Julie's most recent post.)
Congratulations on the awards. So very sad about Nancy and so kind of you to think of her at this difficult time.
Congratulations, Dawn! You so deserve them both!
I didn't read Tuesdays with Morrie but I did see the televised was touching, but I'd like to read the book - or listen to it- sometime!
How wonderful that your church fills an 18-wheeler filled with gifts at Christmas...that's wonderful. And too cute about Care Bear...she is a pretty smart cookie! :)
I read "Tuesdays With Morrie" back when it first came out. Very touching...
Congrats on the awards and on getting your new laptop. I'm waiting to hear what you have to say about the new Vista operating system. I want a laptop, but don't know if it's going to happen or not. Still, a girl can wish....
Love and hugs,
I missed your birthday! Shame on me! Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to you!
You are so deserving and the sweet award so matches your blog! Cute!
Oh, and stop on by for a little surprise... I am so forgetful these days!
Hummm....look again. Under Faith Lifts ☺
Dear Dawn, you deserve all of the lovely awards that you get!! I personally have enjoyed your blog ever since I stumbled onto it months ago. You do lift me up with your positive outlook and your love of God. You and your family have been through so many trials in this life but you have remained steadfast in your beliefs that God is faithful. I still am praying for Kristin's babies and strength for her too. BTW I got the ingredients for your crescent rolls today so I am going to give it a try. Thank you for posting the recipe! That Care Bear, where does she come up with these things??????!!! She is just a hoot and you should be writing down the things that she comes out with. :o)
Good Afternoon Dawn,
Wanted to come by and wish you a "HAPPY HALLOWEEN". I went to Pea's Halloween Bash earlier today and it was wonderful. If you have time, go by and visit. You will have a blast. She is a lovely host and her house was spooktakular. Hope you are having a great week so far. I have been under the weather with a stopped up nose and sore throat. I found some meds in the cabinet last night from when I was sick back in June. I started taking them. Hopefully in a couple of days I will be better. Congratuations on your awards. I hope you are enjoying that new laptop. How is Windows Vista anyway. Well, gonna go for now. I have been trick-or-treating all my friends today. Take care and have a safe and "HAPPY HALLOWEEN".
Karen H.
Oops, I forgot something. I wanted to wish you a "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY". Hope you had a great day. Anyway, enjoy your new computer.
Karen H.
Dawn, I am so happy you got those awards. You absolutley deserve them. You bless me constantly. You have such grace, strength and faith - not to mention a great sense of humor and huge talent as a story-teller.
Enjoy that new "toy". I think it's great!!
Even though I'm new to your blog, I've liked what I've read and you are very deserving of these two awards. Congratulations.
I'll have to look for a copy of Tuesdays with Morrie it sounds very good read.
Congrats on the awards!! Good to see you guys last night!!
I have tagged you for a short meme if you would like to participate.
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