Thank you all for the wonderful comments on my cakes and the quilt pattern. It's funny but when I read and look at pictures of quilts so many of you make, I think I could NEVER do that. I didn't remember that I had done enough pillow covers in the cathedral window pattern to have made a king-sized quilt, most likely, if they had been sewn together. I am so glad I have pictures of the cakes, because I do not even remember the process of making most of them - is that pathetic or what??
Barb told us to take this meme and run with it. This is one I can do without thinking or downloading a bunch of pictures. I need that right now! And thanks to Diane for the wonderful button!

In your entire life, have you ever...
...gone on a blind date? No...I had enough trouble with those who could see!
...skipped school? Never - I loved school!
...watched someone die? No, thankfully, not yet.
...been to Canada? Yes - I used to live across the border from Fort Francis, Ontario in International Falls, Minnesota. We could walk over there, but didn't do it often.
...been to Mexico? Yes. Briefly in Tijuana - never want to go back there!! I would like to try Cabo or Puerto Vallarta sometime.
...been to Florida? Yes. During the beginnings of Hurricane Agnes - my sister, and friend, and I went there for a church convention - started out in a horrible hotel, moved to a better one, just about blew away every time we crossed the street between huge hotels - bounced our way all the way to Tampa in a small plane. Then briefly in Fort Lauderdale a couple of years ago as DC and I prepared to board ship for our Caribbean cruise.
...been on a plane? Yes. Don't like overseas flights, though - too long legs, not enough leg room!
...been lost? Unfortunately, yes. My sense of direction is deplorable. Ask Kristen about our trip to Denver to see the show "Annie" - being lost in downtown Denver at 10:00 at night with an 8-year-old in the car is not a fun thing!
...been on the opposite side of the country? Yes. But would love to go back again. I want to visit all those blog friends in Maine!
...gone to Washington, DC? Yes, twice in the fall - I just love it there, as a tourist at least. My DC was in meetings while I got to walk and ride the subway all over the city. Beautiful, historical place.
...swam in the ocean? I am a non-swimmer because of a trauma at age 10. I don't even go into the water - went to Hawaii twice and put on my suit once for a brief shot of me up to my knees in the water.
...had your booze taken away by the cops? Have never been in possession of any booze.
...lettered in a high school sport? Joke joke. I did get a letter from Pep Club and Choir!
...cried yourself to sleep? Many times.
...played cops and robbers? No.
...played dolls? My sis and I lived our lives as little girls in preparation for motherhood!
...recently colored with crayons? Not really - I never was any good at coloring with crayons.
...sung Karaoke? No, thank you very much!
...paid for a meal with coins only? Probably.
...done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Every day? When I break my diet??
...cheated on an exam? No, never. And I never lie either.
...made prank phone calls? Oh, my goodness - we were really terrible when we were kids doing this - calling a bar and saying we were Mr. Byrd, looking for wife, Ima. Could you please page her - she's supposed to be home with the kids. Ima Bird, Ima Bird! We laughed till we were sick - or until our folks caught us.
...laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Not that I recall.
...caught a snowflake on your tongue? Many times - I grew up in Minnesota!
...danced in the rain? No.
...written a letter to Santa Claus? Nope - Never believed in the guy, didn't figure it made any sense!
...been kissed under the mistletoe? Not that I recall. Mistletoe kind of lost its allure for me when saw it growing as a parasite on the trees in Oklahoma.
...watched the sunrise with someone you care about? Yes, most recently on the coast of Georgia - just beautiful. Got up really early to do it.
...been arrested? Never did anything to merit being arrested! Unless you count being chased around town by our version of Barney Fife when we t.p.'d all the football players' houses because we didn't have dates to Homecoming!
...blown bubbles? Often.
..gone ice-skating? If you want to call it that - we spent our evenings at the neighborhood rink in International Falls because it was the sociable thing to do. I spent most of my time in the warming house, but did take a few runs around the rink. Hated it.
...been skinny dipping outdoors? Are you kidding me??? Nor indoors!!
...had a nickname? I've been called Swan Dawnson, Swansie, Dawnson. None lately, though.
...been to Africa? Not in reality, but we used to pretend we were flying to Africa to hold revival meetings in the chief's hut when we were kids and had a merry-go-round in our back yard. We had two missionary aunts, uncles, and 4 cousins in Africa. I have since acquired a Kenyan daughter-in-law, so dream of someday making it over there to meet her family.
...eaten cookies for dinner? Most likely!
...been on TV? Yep - I was on a teen panel in high school - it was on during church, so I had to bring a set to church, go downstairs during Dad's sermon to watch it. Oh, for a VCR in those days! I was on the news once when I was standing in line at the park on the 4th of July waiting for my hamburger being cooked by the Lions Club - we were asked what we loved about America, if I recall.
...stolen any traffic signs? No. Never stole anything.
...been in a car accident? Minor fender benders - I've blogged about the latest.
What is your....
...mother's name? Margaret
...favorite drink? Diet Dr. Pepper
...favorite alcohol? Never tasted the stuff
...birthplace? Minneapolis, Minnesota
...favorite vacation spot? Kona, Hawaii - surprise, surprise!
...favorite salad dressing? Bleu cheese (on the side, of course).
...favorite pie? Apple - homemade with Granny Smiths
...favorite number? -40 (which I am working on my weight to be from what it is now!)
...favorite movie? I don't watch many movies, but I loved Driving Miss Daisy and Sleepless in Seattle.
...favorite holiday? Christmas.
...favorite food? Mexican
...favorite day of the week? Right now, the week-end ones. In another month, I'm hoping they all kind of run together in my retirement!
...favorite brand of body wash? Just give me good old Zest.
...favorite toothpaste? Crest - Regular (can you believe how many choices there are???)
...favorite smell? Baking bread, or chocolate chip cookies.
...mother's name? Margaret
...favorite drink? Diet Dr. Pepper
...favorite alcohol? Never tasted the stuff
...birthplace? Minneapolis, Minnesota
...favorite vacation spot? Kona, Hawaii - surprise, surprise!
...favorite salad dressing? Bleu cheese (on the side, of course).
...favorite pie? Apple - homemade with Granny Smiths
...favorite number? -40 (which I am working on my weight to be from what it is now!)
...favorite movie? I don't watch many movies, but I loved Driving Miss Daisy and Sleepless in Seattle.
...favorite holiday? Christmas.
...favorite food? Mexican
...favorite day of the week? Right now, the week-end ones. In another month, I'm hoping they all kind of run together in my retirement!
...favorite brand of body wash? Just give me good old Zest.
...favorite toothpaste? Crest - Regular (can you believe how many choices there are???)
...favorite smell? Baking bread, or chocolate chip cookies.
Do you have any...
...tattoos? Hate 'em!
...body piercings? Have tried the ears twice, just keep getting infections - gave up on that.
...tattoos? Hate 'em!
...body piercings? Have tried the ears twice, just keep getting infections - gave up on that.
Do you drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? My minivan has 4 doors - thank goodness! Getting 4 kiddoes in and out makes this a necessity.
What do you do to relax? Read. Read. Read. Blog Blog Blog
How do you see yourself in 10 years? 70 years young - in better shape than I am now - watching my teen-age grandkids develop - taking some nice trips. Living in this same house.
Feel free to join the fun - it's great to learn more about you. Let me know if you do it!