Kristen was a feisty little kid - she's getting alot of pay-back now. I found this picture recently and found it much more amusing now than I did when she was not quite 5 and was so upset with me for some reason that she packed her little brown dolly suitcase, carried a few more things that didn't fit (I can identify her robe that I had made her), and headed out the door. Thank goodness she didn't leave the cul de sac. You can double click to see more detail - it's pretty old and grainy! Don't you just love how her hair is so light that it blends in with the sidewalk?? (Notice that it was garbage day?)
This week I'm kind of feeling like she did that day - like I want to pack up, take off, and leave no forwarding address. Mind if a whine a bit?
Nothing serious - just incredibly annoying.
1. The light/fan above the table - the fan wouldn't turn off - and it wasn't warm enough to need the fan.
2. The light under the cupboards that I have had for close to 30 years started flashing off and on. It is not a simple matter of changing the bulb. I REALLY miss it.
3. Both light bulbs in my little office burned out the same day - I know, nothing in the grand scheme of things, but just ridiculous.
4. My cell phone is acting very weird - I keep having to mess with the SIM card and the battery to make it work.
5. My tires on my car are shot .
6. The amount I was quoted for the surgery turned out to be only for the surgery center - it doesn't count the original doctor's visit, the surgeon's bill, the anesthesiologist - I hope that's all.
7. I finally got to the dentist, after working with insurance for months - turns out there's some serious work ahead after years of clear check-ups. Changing dentists is traumatic without the new one finding much more stuff than the previous one.
8. Our grandfather clock has not worked for awhile. We finally got a clock expert who attends our church to come over and take the works for an overhaul - much more expensive than I dreamed.
9. My dishwasher is full of clean dishes that I can't get out - the door latch broke as I tried to open it Sunday morning. Now I'm doing dishes by hand with this left arm I'm not supposed to get wet. I have a fix-it man (also from church) coming over tomorrow to see if he has to order parts and how long it might be before it is usable again.
Good grief! I'm glad none of this is more important than it is, but it's the accumulation, you know?
The good news - only 3 more days till the stitches come out. YAY!!
Recently I went back and read some old posts and discovered something about myself. I used to do more writing. Now I do more picture-showing. My blog has become a journal/diary of my daily life. I sometimes wish I had more cogent thoughts in my brain to put down here, for your inspiration. Maybe I should take a blogging break and let some thoughts develop. But I don't think I will. Hope you don't mind!
The holiday week-end was enjoyable, even if very soggy and gray. We had our annual picnic at my folks' place, though inside this year. My youngest brother (the really tall one), my SIL, and West Point cadet nephew always come for the Bolder Boulder on Monday. David, the cadet, turned out to be just as great with the girls as his younger brother was during the big birthday event.
He is so incredibly strong and fit that he was able to do push-ups with both big girls on his back.
Just a couple more fun pictures - Feisty was getting dressed the other day and was wearing these cute little tiny Levis. She pointed out the leather patch on the back waistband and said, "I like wearing these jeans because they make me feel like a grown-up."
Katie is finally walking more - she was really showing off at the get-together on Sunday. She was so proud of herself. What is really fun is that she and Emma clap for each other whenever they do anything to be proud of. Emma was pushing this toy around the family room the other day - she found one of Kev's shoes that was with a bunch of stuff I'm sending him - she pushed it around all over the room - so cute.
It won't be long until they'll both be running us more ragged than they are now!
Tomorrow is Care Bear's field day at school - it's fun to watch her run like the wind with her hair flying behind. She's very athletic. Feisty's last day of preschool is Thursday. Then - YIKES!
My parents are flying to Ohio today to visit my dad's youngest brother, who is going to be heading to heaven soon after so many years of suffering. We totally understand their reasoning for going, but are concerned about Dad's ability to handle the trip physically. At least he was finally convinced not to drive and take a long side trip on the way back. Please pray for their health and safe travel. Thanks again.
To end on a really positive note, I found this great quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson in my devotions one day this week.
"You cannot do a kindness too soon,
for you never know how soon it will be too late."
for you never know how soon it will be too late."
Good food for thought.
Have a great rest of the week!