The sun has broken through the clouds. It's supposed to be nice tomorrow, but then cool and rainy the rest if the week - including the days of the birthday celebrations. I'd like to see warm sunshine, but we'll have fun no matter what. I'll be sharing some pictures of my mom soon, then I'll share the celebration next week.
Chick Fil-A is a great company with Christian principles. I love that they, like Hobby Lobby, honor the Sabbath and are closed on Sundays. I have to admit, though, that it's not my favorite place to eat. Especially on Monday nights.
Let me explain. I have to say that this company has a fabulous marketing department. They have tapped into a huge demographic - young families. Every Monday night they have a craft night for kids. At times, they have free meals for the kids. They have people running around with balloons for the kids. They have free ice cream cones for the kids - and the lady with the balloons will put sprinkles on their ice cream if they run up to her after they get their cones.
DC and I have filled in for Kristen on a few occasions. I told her last week to please not ask me to do that any more. It is not an occasion for the faint of heart. It is crowded, it is loud, there is not room for two high chairs, it is chaos. And there's a big cow running around!
But - the kids LOVE it!! Last night Home Depot joined in the fun and they made wooden projects - Feisty made a bird feeder and Care Bear made book ends. They have face painting, they made ornaments at Christmastime - I can't think of what else. It is a wonderful time for the kids.
Here's last night - note the cow's paw on Katie's head. She was really enjoying it, and not afraid.

Sunday afternoon, as I was fixing lunch and Kristen and the twins were catching some zzzzs (believe it or not, I didn't do the timer on my new stove correctly and the meat loaf wasn't cooked), DC and the big girls were outside digging up worms (and bringing them in the house), watering the bean seeds, and generally having fun together. They spotted this awesome sight in the high branches of the very large Marshall seedless ash, and came running in with great excitement - a first in all of these years in this house. A great horned owl. What a blessing.
Have any of you ever seen a tulip like this? Looks like a star when it opens - I just love it. It has taken over this one patch.